The Volunteer Lawyer Program held Will Clinics since September of 2018 in four low-income senior housing facilities in the Mount Vernon and Burlington area. As a result, 40 seniors now have completed estate plans, typically consisting of a Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Finances, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Health Care Directive.
Each of the clinics consisted of three separate sessions to help ensure that the clients had ample opportunities and time to understand estate planning concepts and to make careful decisions. The first session was a general educational presentation on basic estate planning. At the second session, an attorney met individually with each client to review the client’s information and objectives. At the final session, each client met individually with an attorney to review and then sign the documents.
Thanks to each of the following volunteer lawyers who participated in these clinics:
Luigi Colombo
Timothy Lehr
Hollie Del Vecchio
Katherine Tarraf
Richard Hughes
Michael Winslow
Special recognition goes to Luigi Colombo for participating in two of the educational and review sessions as well as three of the signing sessions.
Funding for this and other VLP programs was provided by the Office of Civil Legal Aid and the Legal Foundation of Washington. In addition, the VLP received a technology grant from the local offices of Edward Jones to purchase the needed equipment for these clinics.